Thursday, June 02, 2005


I always find myself "planning" to get up early.... I do that alright for one day and then end up oversleeping for the rest of the week. I found this in planet gnome, and it exactly talks about my problem. I am glad that I found the solution. I am trying it out already.

Getting up at 5AM is a bit weird thing..... rather useless. I don't want to get up at 5AM every morning and keep wondering what next? I mean I don't even get my newspaper until it's 7AM. So I have set up my alarm clock to 7-30 AM. It sounds nice. I like the tone of some numbers... 730, 545, 850

I don't like 610, 125 and 1050....

So 730 it is for me right now. I already did it for one day..... and only tomorrow shall tell if it will be a habit or just another fantasy.


Asif said...

I like the tone of the number 915 :-))))

Anonymous said...

I bet! its another fantasy ;-)

Anonymous said...

missed out *just*

Alex Schroeder said...

I just read that article you linked to and had to laugh when I found this note at the end: "Edit (05/31/05): Due to the (mysterious) popularity of this post, I’ve written a follow-up with some extra detail and clarifications: How to Become an Early Riser - Part II."

What's next, "The Revenge of the Early Risers!" "Late Risers Strike Back, Episode V" or "A New Sleep, Episode IV"...

borntodre@m said...

Guess 800 sounds better :D